"No "geopoint" responses have been received" in MAPS Function

Welcome to the community, @biggles1998! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will update you once we fix this issue.

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Hello everyone!
I have the same problem, just for your information. I’ll keep an eye out for solutions.
Best regards,

I’ve also been having the same problem for all my projects, even the ones that haven’t had submissions in a while but had geopoint data

Welcome back to the community, @Samuel1! We have a fix coming up soon. You should be able to track the same here:

Welcome to the community, @addavid13! We have a fix coming soon. You should be able to track it here:

We will update you once we make the fix live.

@biggles1998, @Samuel1, @addavid13, kindly please be informed that the issue has been resolved. FYR: