"Object" Error in certain data records

I do it two ways

  1. For individual data records, click on the edit button on left corner of each data record, opens a new tab, select the date (calendar option) in “Fulan”, submit.
  2. While updating for multiple records with the same value/date, I select one of the multiple records which I want to update, follow step 1. Once one of the records is updated, I select all other relevant records which need to be updated with the same date → select all by clicking on each of their left corner boxes, click edit on top (edit multiple items), select question fulan, select the option that was updated previously, apply the same for all, submit

(Hope Ive been able to convey clearly)

OK, I see a total of 72 cases that has the blank record for this variable. Could you try out for these _ids to manually update them by pressing the pen like edit icon to update their date and see if they get registered.

  • 191790082
  • 191789836
  • 191789659

If you have used the bulk edit previously, please try avoiding it this time. Let us see if you are able to update the same? And then kindly please update us on what happens.

Hi Kal,

Reaching out to you once again - I’m seeing these “Object errors” when I edit questions which have a linked calculation question.

Form name: IDA - Screening Form

Background: I’ve got three fields: CHC, Pasiente TB Numeru Registu, Nu Ema Kontaktus. When all three are filled in the form, the form auto calculates an alphanumeric = CHC + Pasiente TB Numeru Registu + Nu Ema Kontaktus.

When I have to edit one of those three fields which are incorrect, the calculation field does not auto-calculate. Hence it turns into this error “Object”. When that happens I’m not able to edit that form nor export those records into my xls database.

How I have been resolving it until now: I delete that record and re-fill a new form. Is it possible to resolve the error instead of deleting and recreating a new record?


Hi Kal, following up on this since this task is time sensitive

Thanks a ton!

@test_amrutha, checking back to see if this issue is still on.