Could there be an option for the use of a custom web mapping service or hosted tile features for the location survey base map?
I have a researcher who wants to ground truth some raster data that will be made into a hosted tile feature.
Could there be an option for the use of a custom web mapping service or hosted tile features for the location survey base map?
I have a researcher who wants to ground truth some raster data that will be made into a hosted tile feature.
Welcome back to the community, @atickner! Did you mean you wanted to use a layer (of your choice) to display the geopoint in the KoboToolbox server?
I am looking for a survey solution that lets a user customize the base map used for data collection to their own WMS or using their own hosted feature layer. Right now there are the four base options, the streets, terrain satellite and humanitarian options, which is great, it is nice to have even that level of customization. But it would be nice to be able to further customize this with one’s own web map or feature service. I understand that it may be technically difficult, but it would be nice if it was possible.
I am not the only one who has had this request, apparently: Base map- can on customize
Thanks for your reply.