My understanding is that child projects can pull data from a parent project, but I’m interested in whether there’s a way to have data pulled each way.
For example, I have a list of people who receive support on a number of interventions. I want to have one project which acts as a database of these beneficiaries, which includes summary information on intervention support received.
I then want to have another project which is used to capture the details of the intervention support, for example with one submission describing a training which selects which people from the beneficiary project were present. When this is submitted, I’d like for the beneficiary project to then count from the training project the number of times each beneficiary has been trained (i.e. number of submissions where each beneficiary has been selected as attending).
Is this possible? My current understanding is that if I set the beneficiary project as the parent, then I can include in the training project (as the child) a pull data to show the list of people to select from as attendees. But I don’t know if I can also have the parent project calculate from submissions to the child project.