Records show in summary but not in data table or downloads

Hi! We are flat out under lockdown do food distribution and for the first time data is not coming through. Possibly because KoBo is being put to a lot of use at the moment? I can see 5 records in the project summary view as having come in today but there is only 1 resulting record in the data table.
Timing is a few hours. I tried xls legacy, same thing. Is this known?
Chris (vpuu)

Hi @chris,

Welcome back to the community! Would you mind providing us with the following information (in a private message) so that we could have a look at our end:

  • Username
  • Server you are using (OCHA or HHI)
  • Project name
  • Total number of data you assume should be in the server and the total number of data recorded in the server so far

Have a great day!

Hi @chris,

Thank you for reaching out! Kindly please have a look at the private message (for the response).

Have a great day!

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