Release notes - August 8, 2018

The deployment on August 8, 2018 included the following updates and bug fixes on and

New and Improved Map Features :

  • If a form has more than one GPS Point question, users can now select which GPS Point question to display on the map
  • Files with geographical data can be imported that are then displayed alongside the GPS points collected in a form. Imported files must be in valid CSV, JSON, GEOJSON, KML, KMZ or WKT format.
  • Choose from 5 different color sets to display disaggregated points on the map. The sets should be used for sequential data (i.e. for a select question with answers from 1 to 5) or diverging data (i.e. example question “How would you rate the service” and answers “Very Good, Good, Average, Bad, Very Bad”).

Form Templates

  • Existing forms can be saved as a Template.
  • Templates can be created using an imported XLS file or from scratch using the Form Builder.
  • Users can now create a new form using a previously saved Template.
  • Existing forms can be replaced with a Template (previously you could only do this using an XLS file)
  • Allow XLS upload in form list directly via drag-and-drop
  • User can select a subset of columns and limit the table view to those columns (only users with edit permissions on the form can do this)
  • In the data table view, a column can be set as frozen
  • Easier navigation between records in the data table view
  • Updates to the registration pages

Bug Fixes

Fixes for the following bugs are included in this release:

  • Slow API call to asset list when limit set to 200
  • Users with lots of assets and/or large assets (800+ questions) experiencing the app lock up entirely due to loading issues
  • Submission modal fails to load when form definition is missing a question inside a repeat group. For example, if a user has a form with a repeat group A containing questions B, C, D. It also has submissions with answers to these questions. If the form designer removes question C and saves the form, any submissions that have data for question C will not load at all in the submission modal.
  • Issues with using KoboToolbox in Internet Explorer 11
  • Enhanced error message visible to users when updating contact details in the User Profile.
  • Dropzone issue on Firefox: overlay stays after aborting a drag-and-drop
  • kuids change every time an asset is saved. This is the bug that broke exports for forms in Arabic (or any form with autonamed questions whose labels had no ASCII characters). Please note that it is a fix for new forms only, not existing forms.
  • Skip logic not rendering correctly after settings are closed and reopened
  • Search by tag not working for the Question library inside the Form Builder
  • Sign-up and automatic activation emails are now available to be translated.
  • When form has an unnamed translation, there is an empty row for translations in the Report style modal and in the Submission language dropdown
  • Custom report shows message on 200 question limit irregardless of the number of questions included
  • Cannot share a Collection in the Library
  • Custom reports: JS error when deleting