Repeat groups issue with online forms

Today I encountered an issue with all forms that have a repeat-group section. No changes to the forms were made in several days and they were working yesterday.

I also tested these forms on Android and they work perfectly. The issue is with online forms only. Our users use online forms only and this issue is preventing us from entering data.

Here is the error message:

Error occured during the loading of this form. We do not recommend you use this form for data entry until this is resolved.
Please contact with the link to this page and the error message below:
TypeError: this.form.repeatPathPrefixes is not iterable


Hi @Isslam and welcome to the community!

It seems like a general issue, let’s try to keep it under one topic: TypeError: this.form.repeatPathPrefixes is not iterable

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Thank you for bringing this to the community, @Isslam! We are investigating the issue and will shortly update you when the issue is fixed.

Thank you for being so patient, @Isslam. The issue has been fixed.

For details, please see this announcement:

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