Retrieve data from device of a permanently deleted project

Dear Community

I want to ask whether it is possible to retrieve data which is still saved on the device (in send finalized forms-folder in the kobocollect-app) but for whcih the project hast been deleted.

We face the following issue in our data collection: we had one project deployed for the pretest and downloaded the blank forms to all devices used by the enumerators. After minor adjustments, a new project was deployed for the actual data collection. The pre-test project was permanently deleted. However, we missed to delete the pre-test form from one device and one enumerator collected on full day data with the old project. For obvious reasons he was not able to upload the saved forms. We tried to access the answers on the device itself (as is possible with finished and uploaded forms) without success. We also tried to find the files on the divice itself but couldn’t.

I found an forum-entry that appeared to be similiar to me but which did not help me (Retrieving Permanently Deleted Project).

We would be super grateful if anybody could give us an idea of how to save the data from being lost.



Welcome to the community, @Max_Burger! Sorry seems like a wrong post was attached previously. I have changed it and it should solve your issue now.

For your ease, I have also attached the post here:

Dear Kat Lam,
thanks a lot for your swift reply! I will try your solution and report back here so that others may profit from it as well.



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