Server error (502 bad gateway)

Dear Kobo team

We’ve observed an error in the kobotoolbox page - 502 bad gateway. This is happening for the 3rd time. The last time it happened was by the 4th of April 2022. Although its possible to save data in the mobile app, uploading is not possible when the platform is in this status. We’re worried that this might happen during actual data collection and thus we would like to bring it to your attention.
Do you have any idea why this is happening? What is the way forward?


Welcome to the community, @Ahmad. Please be informed that the server has already been restored, and it should run smoothly! It was caused due to the load in the system.

Please also note that even during a temporary server issue, you should be able to collect data in the field and submit the same to the server. The server accepts the data once it’s back.