Hi Emmanuel,
I’m copying this to the KoBoUsers mailing list since this may be useful to others. Best if you can email directly the user group as there are many others willing to help with these kinds of questions.
In your case you would have to create a skip logic for each of the questions that should be skipped unless the answer to ‘consent’ was ‘yes’. You don’t have to enter the skip logic for each question separately. After you have added it for the first question, click the link at the bottom () and choose all the other questions you want to be skipped if no consent was given. This way you only add your condition once and then apply it to all relevant questions at once.
Does that solve your issue?
See below screenshot:
Tino Kreutzer
Program Manager
KoBoToolbox | Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
Tel +1 416 879 3667 | Skype tinokreutzer
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greene, Emmanuel EGr...@samaritan.org
Date: Fri, May 2, 2014 at 5:14 AM
Subject: RE: Information
To: Tino Kreutzer tino.k...@kobotoolbox.org
Good morning Sir,
It has been a long time, I have been quite busy with upcoming project.
I am actually encountering a little problem, I tried adding skip logic but it is giving me serious problem. Let me give you an example of what I want to do:
Sub office Location:
Interviewer name:
Have you heard of HIV?
Do you eat rice
Thank you very much that is the last question!
If the consent is no, I will want the entire survey to skip to the last question which is “Thank you very much that is the last question”.
Can you help and show what I need to do? I have tried all of the videos and tutorial but it is not still working!
Thank you so much for your help!