Submission Limit through Excel API

Hey guys. I have a problem with my Kobo data in Excel. It has been working well until of late when it stopped synchronizing data in Excel. It bring an Error that states form not found.
Does kobo have a submission Limit through the excel API?
I am using the humanitarianresponse server.


Welcome back to the community, @aomitta! Could you also share a screenshot of the error message you get?

Thank you @Kal_Lam, this is the error message.

@aomitta, have you tried linking your project as outlined in the support article?

Hola @Kal_Lam espero estas bien, te quiero comentar que a mi sale el mismo error, yo tengo 8 cuestionarios implementados que uso ya hace un tiempo, los tengo vinculados a Excel y siempre funciono bien pero hoy no me funciona ninguno, por ello intente descargarlo desde la pagina pero me aparece error de exportación, espero me puedas ayudar. Gracias

@Kal_Lam I retried the steps of Pulling Data to excel but it isn’t working. Making a connection to the form through excel is the main problem.
I am using the Does it have any limits to entires?


My form has a loop function and I currently have 24543 submissions with a total of 58190 data sets. Could this be the reason my excel sheet is refusing to refresh. I always get a Gate Way time out error.
