Table view - filter choices not showing

Hey all,

We’re having trouble with the table view in Kobo Toolbox. When showing the data in table view I would normally be able to select filters from dropdown menus for certain columns, but for some of the forms we deployed, the dropdown menu is not displaying the options. I cannot see the filter choices, though I can still select them (which doesn’t really help if I cannot see what I’m selecting).

This is only an issue for forms with larger data sets (>20.000 submissions), smaller datasets with less submissions work fine. Is there a way to solve this issue?


Welcome to the community, @neuhaus_ewering! Could you kindly let us know the exact number of submissions that is in your KoBoToolbox user account for this particular survey project at the moment? Would you also mind letting us know the server you are currently using?

Thanks a lot for the quick reply! For this form in particular we currently have 22,359 submissions, it’s running on the humanitarian server. All forms which show the same problem are running on that server.

In this case, could you kindly share with me the following information (through a private message) so that we could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

I’m unable to send you a personal message, I’m getting an error when pressing send:

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@neuhaus_ewering, I could see that the project you refer to has issues and is a shared project. Would you mind requesting the form owner to un-share the survey project and re-share it with you again? Sometimes doing so also helps solve the issue.

This issue appears for all users which have access to the form, the form owner is also not able do see the choices in the drop down menu, so this would likely not solve the problem.

Since this is a problem which only appears with forms which have a larger number of submissions (>18,000) we assumed that it could have something to do with the size of the data set.

Will recheck and get back to you.

Hello @Kal_Lam
It seems, in general, that all filter drop down lists are empty if the table view setting is XML values. But it seems to work for different languages (meanwhile).

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Hi @wroos
Thank you for the additional information.


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Hello All,
Meanwhile registered as bug

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Thank you @wroos for updating the post and the community on this.

Is it solved yet?