The data server for your form or the Enketo server is down

Buenas noches,

Tengo varios registros ya en la tabla de datos y al quererlos editar sale el siguiente error…

Gracias por su ayuda

Welcome back to the community, @analistamel! Seems like you are getting this error message when trying to edit and submit a submission? Did I get it correctly?

Exacto. Puedo entrar al registro y editarlo pero al dar en Enviar sale el error.

Tengo varios registros con el mismo problema.

Hi @analistamel, can you please send me the following details in a private message so I can take a look:

  • server (Kobo/OCHA)
  • username
  • project name
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Hi @analistamel, please note that the issue has been resolved for the affected submissions.

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Same issue is raised within below link but no solution is provided.