The enumarators cannot acces the forms

I am experiecning the same problems.

I have followed the guidelines and not a first time user but still the enumarators cannot acces the forms. I have tried it on my android and we cannot access the forms

Welcome back to the community, @kimachas! Could you kindly share with us a screenshot of your Settings>Server so that we should be able to understand your issue pictorially?

Apologies posted this yesterday while off internet. I did reinstall the KOBO app on a device and it worked fine I have reinstalled on all the devices They enumarators have been able to access the forms
Thank you

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@kimachas, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

Thank you for this but I think notable change notice is that previously servers used to be accessed through [ right now its, the subtle change switch from kf to kc is not mentioned in your guidlines.


@kimachas, it’s always this URL that should be used in your app when configuring the server and not this URL