The question should always be pre-filled with the last time’s answer, so that the enumerator has to overwrite it only in case it changed


I assume that the update of the respective article needed to be postponed again?

I wonder wthether my hopes are in vain anyway: Isn’t it the underlying logic that a clearly defined set of data needs to be ‘appointed’ to be the parent data, so that in an unknown frequency of repetition of the same set of questions it is not possible to make the last/current application of the form the child of all previous applications (being parents from which answers are drawn)?

I don’t have an example, but the idea/hope is quite simple: Imagine a form with just one question (what is the phone number of the school head?) and the form is applied repeatedly. The question should always be pre-filled with the last time’s answer, so that the enumerator has to overwrite it only in case it changed.

Is that function likely to be of help here?

this is exactly what I need as well :slight_smile: did you find out how to do this?

@york_rff, @titeuf_community this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:

awesome, didn’t see that, this is amazing. thank you :slight_smile:

Edit: Hmm, this is actually not exactly what I need. I would just need an answer from a specific person (like a previous answer from a second round interview…) Thanks anyway!

@titeuf_community, maybe, in this case, you will need to use the dynamic data attachment as discussed previously: