the hidden type form the XLSForm specification does not work (not implemented?) in KoBoToolbox. Why? - Update: Problem seems only in Formbuilder! http://xlsform.org/en/#question-types
Side-note: To find out the several differences between features of Collect, Enketo/View, Edit/Formbuilder is frustrating (& time-loss) as user. Sorry.
KIND regards
Hello @Kal_Lam,
I would like to come back to the problem, that Enketo/Preview creates an error for hidden type on form edit after XLSForm import (like with audit). If you save the edit (and download) the hidden fields are lost.
Everything is working fine with hidden, beside this, in KoBoCollect, Enketo and https://getodk.org/xlsform/.
Could you transfer this to the developers, please? Or should I make a bug post?
Thank you on tracking the issue. Kindly please be informed that it has already been informed to the developers on March 2020. Hope we will be seeing this in the form builder UI soon.
Kindly please be informed that the hidden question type is now supported in the form builder UI as well and thus, you should not see the error message that you have been seeing previously.