Unable to download images through DownloadThemAll

please im facing same issue i was using download them all to download all pictures , but i think update happened on the webpage and now i cant download images from downloadthemall .

when image show as icon the extension not recognizing that its JPG image .
i tired to use as XML Display but no hyperlink shown for images while using XML View

i was using downloadthem all to download specific images while using filter .

Dear Lam please today i was trying to download images as usuall using Download them all since it allow me to download specific images depends on my filter , but its not working i think there is an updated with the browser of the kobotoolbox webpage since images icons appears instead of images number as before.

any solution

@ahmaddiab, could you share with us a screenshot of what is seen in the DownloadThemAll?

@ahmaddiab, could you share with us a screenshot of Excel file that holds the hyperlink to the images?

Dear Lam ,

I dont use the formula of hyperlink , im downloading data locally then i do hyperlinks manualy since im cleaning the data , from 2 days downloadthem all was working perfectly but i was not showing on table the image icon , i was seeing image name.jpg and it was labled as hyperlink from kobo webpage but now i can see only image icon and downloadthem all not recognizing that this image.

Is this a screenshot from your Excel or from your DATA>Table?

data table i will share with you excel

for better understanding i dont want to use hyperlink method , i want to continue downloading data locally on my system and manually link image names to local path .

downloadthem all was very helpful and i was abel to filter the data table then make download .

@ahmaddiab, OK it seems that you are now sharing the Excel file with the image filename?

lets be on same page , my issue that i was using downloadthemall on data table and downlaod filtered submitted forms , this was changed from 14 September i dont know if KOBO was made any update on the webpage .

now what i need to make downloadthem all work again this the only way that helps me getting images from data table .

@ahmaddiab, could you list out the exact steps so that we could have a look at this with other servers to see if there is anything we could do?

It would also be helpful if you had some snapshots of the image on how it looked like before and how it is looks now?

Dear Lam ,


this show that image was show as image name .JPG but it was labled as hyperlink by blue .

while now

i can see image icon and downloadthem all not recognizing the icon as JPG image that we can download ,

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OK this is more clear now. Will take this forward to our team discussion to see if any adjustments can be made to address the solution.

ok waiting your solution please.

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@Kal_Lam @ahmaddiab this is the same issue I was referring too.


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@Mujahid_Aliyu, linking your issue here for referencing:

Hi @Mujahid_Aliyu, @ahmaddiab, we are looking into a solution for this :+1: In the meantime, I have found a workaround that you can use.

Please go to the following URL and use DownThemAll from there:


So for example, if you are on the HHI server, kf_url will be kf.kobotoolbox.org and on OCHA it will be kobo.humanitarianresponse.info. Your asset_uid is the id of your project, something like aC34iDewbTEGGVbbSREsXy.

The page will look like this:

From that page, the DownThemAll extension is able to pick up the media URLs to download :+1:


Many thanks for your help, while we await the issue to be resolved.


Hi @Mujahid_Aliyu, @ahmaddiab, another workaround, not using DownThemAll, could be to do something like this from your terminal:

curl -s "https://[kf_url]/api/v2/assets/[asset_uid]/data.json" \
-H "Authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
> data.json
for URL in $(cat data.json | jq '.results[]._attachments[].download_url' | sed s/\"//g); do \                          
  FILENAME=$(echo $URL | awk -F "%2F" '{print $(NF)}'); \
  wget "$URL" -O "$FILENAME" --header="Authorization: Token $TOKEN"; \
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Hey Josh thanks for your help , my page Freeze when i tried to load more.