Unable to download survey form in xlsform

Hello, Im having the same issue : When I click on ‘download .xls form’, it just does not work, does nothing, says nothing or shows nothing. It seems like I did not click on anything. While clicked, Thanks for your support.

Welcome to the community, @Rugwiza! Would you mind sharing with me the following through a private message:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Hello, Im having the following issue : When I click on ‘download .xls form’, it just does not work, does nothing, says nothing or shows nothing. It seems like I did not click on anything. While clicked, Thanks for your support

Sorry Im new here. How to can I send a private message through this platform?

You should now be able to send a private message. Try refreshing your page if you should face any difficulty.

@Rugwiza, seems like it is a self hosted server. Could you kindly confirm?

I think yes, I will get more infos on this later. thanks

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