Unable to import xls form to my project

Hello KoBo Toolbox community,

I am currently learning how to develop xls-based survey forms. First I had no problem uploading xls survey form I made, but today I suddenly cannot upload any type of xls survey form - it does not show error message but uploading stage never finishes…

It would be highly appreciated if someone knows how I should solve this problem. Thank you in advance for your help and have a good day!



Hi @junhw, welcome to the community!

Can you tell which server are you using?

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I am using nonhumanitarian (for researchers) server and according to another recent post it seems like there is a general problem in that server. Could you estimate when it will be resolved?

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@junhw, yeah it seems like a general problem on the server side.

Usually the team solves these issues pretty fast. But I don’t have any estimation.

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Btw: the post from Kal:

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thanks @hakan_cetinkaya for the information. Maybe I should wait until everything is restored… hopefully soon!


@junhw, we will update you when this issue is resolved. FYR:

@junhw, this issue has now been resolved.

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