Upload data to KoboToolbox

Hello All,

I noticed on Kobo there is an option to Download all data that i have collected on my form, but i dont see how to do the opposite. I have an excel file containing all the data information for a lot of people but i dont see an option to upload my file to Kobo so i dont have to input all the information 1 by 1 on a form.

How can i import or upload the data i already have on excel to Kobo?

Thank you.

@eandrade, this is not possible with KoboToolbox at the moment, but we already have a features request here:

Maybe you could VOTE for this feature request or reach us back if you have the budget for this request.

Or, as an alternate, you could also use this python snippet shared previously:

Or, maybe use this POSTMAN approach as outlined here.

Hello dear kobo users,

The question raised by @eandrade is a recurring one and I am always surprised that no one refers to the possibility of uploading data in CSV format using the V1 api :

This “csv_import” feature is limited (it doesn’t work with repeated groups nor with media type data, and it can easily lead to duplicates if the process is not well controlled) … but it is also very easy to implement and can be useful, especially when you want to transfer the ownership of a survey to another user (by uploading selected data in an empty clone of the initial survey).

A nice implementation was proposed here years ago for Google Sheets (still working) :

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@TGHKobo, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

all credit goes to “pcurrier” who created this script …

If anyone finds it useful, I also created a “quick and dirty” implementation of the same procedure, allowing to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the “synchronous exports” do download data. Mentioned in this post: https://community.kobotoolbox.org/t/api-to-google-sheet-without-api-connector-pro/34666/10?u=tghkobo

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