Uploading Data from XLS to the server

I want to merge my data from a different project to the revised Project in the server. i have exported and cleaned the data in excel and now I want to upload it back in the server. Kindly guide me on the procedure.

Hi @brighton_zocs, you can try using this (no longer supported) script:

You can also try following these yet-to-be-published, draft tutorials on doing this through the API:


Hi @Josh,

How do I push back data to the KoBoToolbow server which has been exported in scv format? I read the description on Github I would appreciate it if someone can help me step by step to achieve this. I need to restore my data to KoBoTootbox from csv backup. I have the XLS version of the data collection form.

Thank you,

I read that the github solution is no longer working, please see here for an alternative:

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@ralphthompson, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: