Dear Kobo Team,
Kobo Humanitarianresponse server is very slow and the forms cannot be refreshed after changes. Need your kind and urgent support please.
Dear Kobo Team,
Kobo Humanitarianresponse server is very slow and the forms cannot be refreshed after changes. Need your kind and urgent support please.
Hi @rahmat,
I just made a check at my end and it seems to be OK for me. Could you kindly please confirm.
Have a great day!
Thank you. It worked here too.
Hello!! I’m having the same issue, I can’t load or edit forms, it says Bad Gateway sometimes, and the others it won’t even load…
The same as rahmat, humanitarian server
When it does load the interface, and I try to open an entry for edition it stays in a blank window and then it says: There was an error getting Enketo edit link
Would you mind checking it again as it seems to work at my end (but it’s a bit slow then it should be when compared to normal).
Have a great day!
Hello @Kal_Lam No, is not loading, and I have a stable internet connection right now (I even loaded a video). Is there something wrong with the humanitarian response server??
Are you able to open the data from other projects (from the OCHA server)?
Have a great day!
I tryed openning other data and using other navigator and it won’t load the entrys…
It’s taking crazy time to load the enviroment, then sometimes this won’t load at all.
And when it does, I can’t filter, and I can’t ask for more lines shown…
When I try to load an especific entry it opens an about blank page. and then it says: There was an error getting Enketo edit link (after a long time).
We encountered Gateway errors at the moment. Now it seems back.
Good morning, I inform that even with the inconveniences it is too slow when loading.
It loaded for a moment and then back to where it was :’(
Hi @analucia_espinoza, @wroos, @cispmed,
The server should be working smoothly now. Could you please confirm at your end.
Have a great day!
It is! Thank you very much!!
Working, but still slow
Hi @wroos,
It’s due to the server load as a lot of COVID 19 surveys are going around the globe (and the server is very largely occupied).
Have a great day!
… and would be great if some of these people would share forms with the community. This should also be part of the global effort?
Have a safe day!