User Name in excel download

Hi All

can any one guide how can i get the user id of the person entering data in Kobo Collect , here one column i could down load is the user name , which is not download actual data , the data which it is downloading is the data which person has entered in kobo collect meta data , if some one enters wrong name , same wrong name is downloaded


Hi @caneeraj,

Please follow the instructions outlined below to receive username in your xls dataset:

  1. Configure your KoBoCollect android settings under General Settings>User and device identity>Form metadata>Username. You won’t be able to see the username in your data-set if you do not configure it in your android device.
  2. Configure the metadata in your survey project under the Layout & Settings as shown in the image below:
    Image 0

With these configurations made in your KoBoCollect android device and the Survey project (KoBoToolbox) you should be able to see the username in the xls dataset.

Have a great day!

Hi @Kal_Lam

Thanks for reply ,

but there seems a bug , like if i input my name as neeraj1234 instead of neeraj , kobo does not check the valid user name entered , it allows to download neeraj1234 , where as my user name is neeraj

please help , if any other wayout is possible


Hi @caneeraj,

What name did you configure in your KoBoCollect android app? You will be able to see the user name that you configured in your KoBoCollect android app.

Have a great day!

Hi @Kal_Lam

what i want to say is that

user name is neeraj1234
in kobo collection > General Settings>User and device identity>Form metadata>Username i entered neeraj-abcd

now if i download the form it will show neeraj-abcd as user name where as actually user name was neeraj1234

so what i want to say is that its not a foolproof method to enter data in collect app , any user can manipulate the name and we will not be able to check that the data was entered by correct person or another person

Hi @caneeraj,

In this case i would advise you to use the device id metadata instead of username. This is because the person will have only one device with a unique device id which you could later on compare for uniqueness.

Have a great day!

Hi @Kal_Lam

thanks for suggestion , seems working but my suggestion was that a login name from which person is uploading data should be tracked.

as it will again avoid the risk of using one device by multiple person.

for example, in case three person are submitting data with single device by using their login details , it is impossible for us to check which person has send which data , as in this case device id and username ( if Not changed intentionally or unintentionally ) will be same.


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Hi Neeraj

Maybe you can associate the deviceID with the user you’ve granted the rights. Device ID can’t be changed by the user in metadata. However, if the user run KoBocollect with another device, the problem’s still there, but you can detect an anomaly.


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Hi Neeraj
What you are looking for may require some form modification on your end

You could add a question that requires only a unique ID entered. You will have to create unique IDs for each of your interviewers and add a constraint to the question where only accepted unique ID’s are entered. The ID’s should be kept a secret by their owners. You can then use this to track on your end. To make it look a bit more sophisticated; you can conceal the ID in a barcode which the person entering data has to scan. This way they only enter data if they have their ID stored in a barcode scanned on the device.



Is this login name/username issue still in the same place? I’m looking to do a similar thing using Enketo and a a private form that is shared with a group of people. I want to authenticate/know that the person has put in their login credentials in Kobotoolbox AND which user it is specifically so I can use that as a variable to limit responses to certain questions. I currently see values in the submitted by column, but don’t know how/if I can use that in a variable to limit responses in the enketo form.

EDIT: Found the solution HERE. Just had to do a bit more digging.


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I would like to add to this 4 year old thread that from my experience from the past few years, the username, along with deviceid, are automatically captured and saved in the data.

Username is saved, assuming that the form requires authentication (“Allow submissions to this form without a username and password” must be OFF).

In other words, as long as the user signs-in to their KoboCollect or ODK Collect app, they don’t have to do anything else (no need to go Form metadata settings).
I have not tested with Enketo web form.

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