Using the API does not work for archived projects


I have an Excel file pulling data from multiple Kobo projects. I have archived some of these projects and in my Power Query, I have one where I’m pulling data from multiple connections (Archived and Unarchived ones). now I cannot edit my queries or refresh my connections because the API endpoint does not work when the project is archived. I am using the API V1.

In some cases, I just want to make some calculations in my query and I don’t want to unarchive these projects.

I have found one other topic from 2021 having the same issue without solutions.

@Isslam, would you mind trying the API V2 to see if there is a difference in the behavior?

Hi. The V2 works but the V1 shows this error even on deployed forms. DataSource.Error: Web.Contents failed to get contents from '' (500): Internal Server Error
I have a query in Excel that is calling multiple other queries and they all V1 links. So when I want to refresh the main query, I get the above error, i have to go through each one manually and refresh them couple of times until the error disappears then I can have my main one work. This is not ideal because I have many other Excel files with the same issue. I cant go through each query and change it from V1 to v2.

I also have dashboards on Power BI and they’re supposed to be refreshed automatically. Now this is not the case.

Hi @Isslam, I tested the link and achieved projects. All works fine, i couldn’t find any problem. I believe there might be some other problems

Thanks. I also tried deployed and archived projects. I still get the same error on any v1 links. I have to click refresh multiple times until it works. When I close my Excel and open it again to refresh again, I get the error as well. I am now using v2 on any new Excel file I create.