Want to create an existing field as choice list for select_multiple

I have a field in which I am capturing all the names of the individuals in the house. I am achieving this by using begin_repeat and within than I am creating a text type field item_name. Now, I want to use this field outside the end repeat as a choice list for a select_multiple question. How can I do it?

Welcome to the community, @rohit_nema! Are you referring to something like this but in a select_multiple question?

Dear @Kal_Lam , yes, exactly for a select_multiple question. Is there a way to do it? Since when I am trying the same thing with select_multiple I am getting the following error: [Error deploying to KoBoToolbox: expecting value: line 4 column 1 (char 3)]

Dear @Kal_Lam, if it is not possible please do let me know, I’ll think about a workaround for the same. I’m running on a short deadline, so need to take a call on this soon.

Hi @Kal_Lam, I’m also trying to solve the same problem. Could you please help us with this or let us know if any alternative solutions are possible?