What causes this error: Server error (500)?

What causes this error: Server error (500)
Something went wrong when trying to process your request.

Welcome @sinergia,

Can you tell us which server you are using?

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@sinergia, kindly please also let us know the request you are making that is returning the 500 error.

I get the same error when I send

curl -X POST -u user:password https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/api/v1/submissions.json/  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -d '{"id": "myFormId", "submission": { "nome": "Suresh","local":"Ameen","meta": {"instanceID": "uuid:8992c3c2-3418-4ba9-a8e2-b00e03ea36b6"}}}'