I have developed a form to start data collection. In the choice, I can see there are (_) of different lengths with number. Why is that? Is that a problem?
@digbijoy_1, could you also share a screenshot of the same so that we could understand your issue pictorially?
@digbijoy_1, when designing a survey form you could always rename/name the choices so that you have the one you wish (instead of leaving them automatic).
@Kal_Lam , thanks for the answer. Would that be a problem if the xml values of the choices comes automatically.? I am at the beginning thus trying to be sure. What if I change the xml values of the choice latter when data collection is started? would that change the findings?
It should affect as the same is linked with most of your skip logics too. Hence if you are already in the middle of the survey, I would advise you not to change the XML value, but if you still have not started collecting data, you could make changes and proceed.
Yes, indeed makes sense. Thanks a lot.
Hi @Kal_Lam , need a some suggestion again. I am at the midway of my data collection. When I am trying to download the collected data, it is being downloaded in a weired format. Some data are in the xml form some are as the actual format. Why is this happening. I want them to be downloaded as the option I have entered. here is a screenshot
Could you share with me the following through a private message so that I could have a closer look at it?
- Username
- Project name
- Server (OCHA)
Of course. But looking for the private message option? And where can I find the server (OCHA) informaton?
The server detail is OCHA. I observed the same through your screenshot. You need not fill that up. Please only share with me the remaining information.
username xxxxxxx
@digbijoy_1, could you give us a brief detail on how this happed at your end so that it would also be easy for us to investigate. When was the last download OK? And when did the download get distorted?
This evening for the first time I have downloaded the results. Before that I was only watching the online data coming. And that was ok. While looking at the downloaded data, I found that, the results are like that (probably xml values), the actual options are not appearing there.
But the form seems to have been redeployed multiple times (with the current as 7th version).
Hi,@Kal_Lam m this is digbijoy_1,
Kobo is not allowing me to reply on the earlier thread as it exceeds the limit. Thus I am opening the new thread.
I have redeployed the form few times due to spelling error. And the geo location question was also added later.
Thank you for providing additional details. @digbijoy_1, please note that I have merged your post to the original topic so that we could have all the discussions under the same topic.
Thanks @Kal_Lam . Any suggestion for the problem?