Become a Volunteer Translator!

We would like to begin with a big THANK YOU to all of our volunteer translators & reviewers. This amazing group has offered their time and skills to translate KoboToolbox into many languages.

More than +120 volunteers have recently joined our translation team, and together have been able to take some of our most needed languages to the following completion rates:

  • Arabic & Turkish 100%.
  • German & French are more than 75%.
  • Spanish & Czech are more than 40%.

While we are incredibly proud and thankful to see these numbers, we are always in need of new volunteer translators and reviewers. Please consider contributing to your language, and help us make KoboToolbox truly accessible to everyone.

What do I need to be a translator?

  • We are looking for volunteers who are proficient in English and native speakers in another language or languages.
  • Ideally, volunteer translators should also be KoboToolbox users who are familiar with the platform, however this is not always a requirement.
  • Volunteers should also be comfortable learning a new software (in this case, Transifex)

How do I become a Translator?

The process is very simple. All translation happens on the Transifex site*. The first step is to register in Transifex:

  • Go to and create an account
  • Request access to our organization “KoboToolbox” and select the language(s) you will be translating as a member of the KoboToolbox translation team.

*For detailed steps, check out Transifex’s guide, Getting Started as a Translator. If you run into any issues signing up or joining the translation team, please send us an email to

Start translating

Once you have registered as a translator and have joined our team on Transifex, you can start translating through the Transifex Web Editor. Here’s a useful guide to help you get started: Translating Online with the Web Editor


Czech has been 100% translated! we are greatly appreciated the translators volunteers efforts . We are looking for additional volunteers who can review and verify the translations.


The Polish translation of the KoboToolbox interface has been completed, fully reviewed, and it is now 100% ready to go live! We can’t thank enough all the volunteers who dedicated their time, skills and effort to make this possible. Thanks to your contributions, KoboToolbox is now more accessible and can support local organizations responding to the Ukrainian refugee crisis in the Polish border. We still need support with Ukrainian, Slovakian, Czech, Romanian or German. If you know someone willing to volunteer to translate into these languages, please encourage them to join us in Transifex!

Polskie tłumaczenie interfejsu KoboToolbox zostało ukończone, zrecenzowane i jest już w 100% gotowe do opublikowania. Nie ma takich słów, byśmy mogli wystarczająco podziękować wszystkim wolontariuszom, którzy poświęcili swój czas, umiejętności i wysiłek, by to wszystko było możliwe. Dzięki waszemu wkładowi KoboToolbox jest teraz bardziej dostępny i może wspierać lokalne organizacje działające w odpowiedzi na ukraiński kryzys uchodźczy na polskiej granicy. Nadal potrzebujemy wsparcia z językiem ukraińskim, słowackim, czeskim, rumuńskim i niemieckim. Jeśli znasz kogoś, kto chciałby zgłosić się jako wolontariusz do tłumaczenia tych języków, to zachęć go do przyłączenia się do nas na Transifex’ie!