Calculate data in cascading list

Hello Sir

I want to automatically calculate the region, prefecture and commune when I enter ‘college’.
I have the correspondences in cascading list in the ‘choices’ sheet, the names of the regions are recorded with numbers in the ‘name’ column. So in front of each college, in the ‘region’ column, you’ll find the number of the corresponding region


Hi @b7anco,
Use another variable with ‘note’ variable type to show in Apps or Web form. Because ‘Calculate’ field does not show in the Apps or Web. You can visit this link:

CPAL22.xlsx (26.4 KB)

Hope it is helpful for you.


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Hi @mdarshad17
Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately I haven’t found a solution. Maybe my calculation formula lookup is not correct.

Instead of a note you might use another type (with calculation), set to read_only = true.

A disadvantage of a note is that you will not see the value in the server table view and in the data export.