Hello @hm11,
With your coding/naming system, you might try:
- Create a calculate variable, calculating the number of non-empty text questions.
- And then use this as a choice_filter (column) against name: name <= ${NoOfTextanswers}.
Precondition is: The initial other text questions are sequentiell. So, e.g. other3 will not happen without other1 and other2.
With the (famous) search option of this forum you find more examples and previous discussion for your topic, e.g.
This solution with a choice_filter based on empty labels will even work without the precondition noted above.
Also, pay attention, there is a problem with the
choice label reference in Enketo when combined with a choice_filter (see forum posts). But, as far as I know, it is OK in Collect.
- https://community.kobotoolbox.org/t/dynamic-choice-label-with-choice-filter-update-problem-in-enketo-kobo/15986
- https://community.kobotoolbox.org/t/displaying-a-required-list-of-dynamic-choices-in-a-select-multiple-question-based-on-the-number-of-text-response-used-within-a-repeat-group/13357/8
- https://community.kobotoolbox.org/t/displaying-others-specify-label-in-the-next-question/6077