Data report viewing problem

Hi, I am having trouble viewing the data reports, usually the table will display the field titles, but now it doesn’t, and only display as code numbers under each table. I am currently using the community plan and I have a notification that says “You are approaching your monthly submission limit. Please upgrade your plan as soon as possible.” I am not sure what does it mean and whether the issue I am facing is due to this? I need to have access to getting more submissions coming in for this projects over the next month. So do I need to upgrade to professional to get to see the data field, but I was able to before… Could you please guide me and help me with this issue ASAP?
I would really appreciate your immediate assistant and recommendation on this. Thanks!

Hi @s1990 and welcome to the community!

Can you share a screenshot of the code numbers that you mentioned in here:

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Thanks for your reply! This is how it looks, you see the numbers below the graph, they are supposed to be the names of the areas, and a few weeks ago they were displaying, but I don’t understand why now they just display as these numbers.

Hi @s1990,

Do you have two or more languages in your xlsform?
And are your labels in the label::(language) format?

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Yes, in Thai and English.
label::Thai (th)
label::English (en)

It seem that if the form has at least 2 languages and/or has label::(language) the XML values are shown in the report view instead of labels.

This was discussed in detail in this post, I strongly suggest you to take a look at it:

In short:

  • Changing one of the labels to label format, instead of label::(language) format should solve the issue.

Please try that in a dummy form first to save you from risks.

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@hakan_cetinkaya, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

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Hi @hakan_cetinkaya thanks very much! I changed into label and replaced the form, now it does show me the labels instead of XML values. Very strange as to why it was not a problem before, but thanks again!


i cant found it Kobotool format(blank form ,send …