The Dynamic data attachment worked fine for me with default Syntax, for example:
instance(‘survey’)/root/data[P_Demographic/P_SN = current()/…/C_SN]/P_Demographic/P_Age
But it only work with the calculation inside same group with C_SN question.
If I make the calculate in difference group with C_SN, for example:
The C_SN is in group check_group
the question calculation Previous_Age (which call P_Age’s value from parent survey) is in group history_group
=> the Syntax return nothing for Previous_Age
I tried to change current()/…/C_SN to /data/check_group/C_SN but it also does not work
I have the same issue @Kal_Lam , The examples that you posted are all within the same group. In the Round 2 file you have only one group “C_Demographic” that also contains the ID “C_SN”. When you add a second group and copy the calculation and try to use “C_SN” in the same way, it does not work. I couldn’t find an explanation about the syntax behind the instance function and how to navigate different groups within the same child survey. All links I found are linking back to this article and this post both lacking a solution. Only having the entire example based on a single group. Thanks for any help.
Hello @Kal_Lam ,
I’ve deployed Round1 form successfully and collected some data. However, after uploading the Round2.xls form, however it shows following error while I’m deploying the child form from Round2.xls.
Would you please help me to know how can I get the survey.xml file.