Error to open a form using Tablet/Mobile Phone

Hi Kobo Toolbox team,

I’m currently not be able to load/open the form using a phone/tablet to collect data. It is showing the below error, could any of you suggest a possible solution for the same. However, the form is opening using the Laptop browser but not mobile phone/tablet.

Hello @preeti1, @pascal99,
Would you mind posting the same issue twice to the community, please. See Error in loading. Maybe you could delete this one?

@preeti1, maybe you will need to validate your XLSForm through this online validator to see if there are any issues.

Hi Kal, Thank you for your response.

  1. But we had not created a XLSForm however created from a survey from scratch in the Kobo toolbox itself. Please let us know why is this issue occurring.
  2. Secondly we are also facing another issue with survey submissions. The data is uploaded by the surveyor and it is showing successful too on their devise however on the server the data is missing it only shows information for fields such as start date, end date, version and id. Why is this issue is occurring.
  3. After making any changes in the survey form while saving it shows internal servor error.
    Please help!

Ad 2. It is possible to submit a totally empty form, as I tried now. There are no mandatory (relevant = true) fields in your form.

Even if you create with FormBuilder, I would suggest to download the form as XLSForm and check with the Online validator. It can be preferable to do such checks several times during development of a long/complex form.

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@preeti1, apart from what @wroos has already answered some of your queries, I was able to open your survey form through my PC. FYR:

You may have loading issues when your browser is outdated or your device uses some browsers that are not very well supported by the system. Try using modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc. These browsers should generally have fewer issues when collecting data through Enketo.

In addition, please also try loading this in a device that has a larger screen as your survey seems to be very wide.

Hi Wroos, thank you for your response to my query. Yes there are no mandatory fields in the form. I agree that the form should be checked for error. But is not something in the form which is creating a problem rather we are facing issues with loading the same form in tablet and phone in the field.

Thank you Kal for your response, its much appreciated. Can you please suggest if the form could be made less wide to avoid such issue of loading in different devices. From the past few months the field team adopted Tablet to collect data because it was easy to carry and had larger screen to collect data. The data collection was going very smoothly from the past few months but last two weeks we are facing issues and errors are showing in Tablet/phone to load the survey data and even if you are able to upload and submit it the survey, the data are missing from the Kobo Server. I’m not be able to identify what is causing this issue- Is it the Survey or the device or the browser or the kobo toolbox server itself? Please help.

Has the used form been checked with the Online Validator? Any error messages? Could you provide a screenshot, please.

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@preeti1, could you share with me the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously: