Failed to list assets in kobo

Hello, I am trying to open my humanitarian kobotool box account, but to no avail. I am getting an error message that reads: Failed to list assets.

My user name is sai_pawar

@sai_pawar, could you kindly share with the community a screenshot of your issue so that the community should be able to understand your issue pictorially?

Have the same problem on the kf server -

Getting this error when opening any webform:


A similar problem had occurred last december:

Thank you for brining this issue to us, @aaj. We will get back to you once we resolve it.

Please find the error screen


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Am able to list and open projects now, as well as open webforms

Looks like the problem is resolved?

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@sai_pawar, @aaj, please be informed that the issue has been resolved. Apologies for the inconvenience caused!

Thank you @Kal_Lam and the support team for your immediate response :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks its working for me

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@aaj, @sai_pawar, thank you for confirming! :clap: :heart: :partying_face: