please am working on a project and i want data on 2019, 2020, 2021 on these various crops soyabean, cowpea, groundnut and bambara groundnut and want if you select the year and a particular crop or crops for the year only the select year and crops questions are to be answered.
attached is the form
Welcome back to the community, @Justice! Maybe you will need to re explain your issue to the community as it’s a bit unclear. Would also appreciate if you could share with the community the section of the XLSForm that has the issue instead of sharing the entire XLSForm. This should be easy for the community to focus to the issue rather then to have a look at your entire XLSForm.
i have four crops which i need data on for 2019, 2020, 2021
i have questions on land preparation ,input cost table. labour cost table
i want if a farmer selects 2020 and 2021 with specific crops only the selected year and questions on the crops appears from the various questions (land preparation ,input cost table. labour cost table )
attached is what i have done
Grain.xlsx (25.5 KB)
@Justice, it still seems that you are sharing the entire XLSForm. Would it not be possible to share only the selected portion maybe with a total of 2 to 3 questions and their choices that should solve your issue? Also please try to list out all the conditions so that the community should also be able to help you out.