How can I change legacy interface to the regular interface

how can i chang legacy interface to the regular interface

As soon as you log in to your user account you are there in the regular interface.

No,i want new interface

في الثلاثاء، ٧ ديسمبر، ٢٠٢١ ٣:٠٤ م Kal_Lam via KoBoToolbox Community Forum <> كتب:

Sorry. Did not get you clearly. Could you explain in detail so that the community should be able to understand your issue?

i have a issue as the settings do not appear in the projects interface

I need to use project settings but i dont found it in my interface for kobotoolbox,like the picture bellow ,but I don’t found it.

@nuthaj2021, these are settings from the legacy interface. Maybe you will need to start using the KPI instead. We encourage users to use the KPI. If you have missed the announcement:

how can i get the KPI

What is the first screen that you see when logging into your account? That screen is the KPI.

ahha,you main this…

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Yes. This is the KPI interface with all the features that is available in KoBoToolbox.