how can i chang legacy interface to the regular interface
As soon as you log in to your user account you are there in the regular interface.
No,i want new interface
في الثلاثاء، ٧ ديسمبر، ٢٠٢١ ٣:٠٤ م Kal_Lam via KoBoToolbox Community Forum <> كتب:
Sorry. Did not get you clearly. Could you explain in detail so that the community should be able to understand your issue?
I need to use project settings but i dont found it in my interface for kobotoolbox,like the picture bellow ,but I don’t found it.
@nuthaj2021, these are settings from the legacy interface. Maybe you will need to start using the KPI instead. We encourage users to use the KPI. If you have missed the announcement:
how can i get the KPI
What is the first screen that you see when logging into your account? That screen is the KPI.
Yes. This is the KPI interface with all the features that is available in KoBoToolbox.