I am looking for an advance training course on Kobo

Dear Kobo Team, as @hadiza I am looking for an advance training course on Kobo. Can you suggest a place or direct me to a resource that can help me? Thank you.

Hi @jbotero
Welcome to the community forum. Have you tried visiting our support pages? If so, is there a specific topic that is lacking in terms of comprehensiveness that we should be able to address.


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Dear @stephanealoo I have reviewed the support pages. I was wondering about the courses because I think this will be important for my staff work development. However, my staff have a problem coding a survey that we deployed. Kobo grabs the first option that is written and writes an xml code automatically when the survey is created. but it doesn’t change the options necessarily as the option wording change, when adding the xml manually.

Hi @jbotero
I will need you to explain a bit more using relevant screenshots for the following

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@jbotero, this post should guide you to our new training platform: