Page settings changed?

Hi all,

Considering the previous discussions on the same topic, I would like to share a screenshot of the page that I see in the settings:

In addition, URL seems like that:![image|690x413]

Could you please help me with this issue?

Thank you very much in advance,

Welcome to the community, @ranaceylandag! Could you explain more on this so that the community should be able to help you out. At the moment your issue is a bit unclear for the community.


Thanks @Kal_Lam.

I would like to reach a page like the one attached to add another user to share my project, so that he could manage and make changes too:

Yet, my setting page does not include the same options as in the previous image.

@ranaceylandag, the former is the KPI screen while the latter is the legacy screen. FYR, please be informed that it’s been a while that KoBoToolbox has dropped some features from the legacy UI. For more, maybe you could also go through our announcement:

Thanks for the update.