Problem accessing my Kobotoolbox account

I can no longer find the forms nor the data that I had deployed in kobo.

Please can you help me.

Excuse me if the message is not clear, it’s French translated into English.
Please I need help.

Welcome to the community, @khaly! Just so you know, there are two servers (the Global server and the EU server) for KoboToolbox. If you have an account on one of the servers and try to open your account through the link for the other server, you cannot log in. So, you’ll need to log in with the right link.

For the Global server account, try login through this link

For the EU server account, try login through this link

Please feel free to reach us through if you still have login issues with the above link. We will be sure to reset your login password. But for this, please reach us back with the following information (from the email that you registered your KoboToolbox user account):

  • KoboToolbox username
  • Email ID registered with the username
  • The server you are using (Global or EU)

Hello thank you very much for the answer, I will try to follow the advice

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