Problem while logging KoBoToolbox non-humanitarian server (HHI server)

it seems the issue has not impacted the non-humanitarian server

Hi @MaddTitan,

Did you have issue with the HHI server? If yes, please feel free to share a screenshot from the same!


see image below

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the HHI server worked well for a few hours for my team to do some collections, but now it is showing the same signs as the OCHA server when it stopped responding.

my teams are getting the message below

Hi @MaddTitan,

Would you mind trying logging through Chrome (browser).


I already using chrome browser, but i will pass on the message to those in the teams.

I have the same problem

Buenos dias estimados

Estoy tratando de ingresar al servidor de Kobotoolbox pero no me ha sido posible, he intentado desde varios equipos pero en todos me sale el mismo error, quisiera saber que puedo hacer ya que me urge contar con los datos que estan alojados en este.

Agradezco me colaboren

Hi @MaddTitan, @janfroelich, @LuisB,

Thank you for reporting the issue & apologies for the inconvenience caused! Kindly please be informed that the issue has been resolved (and hence you should now be able to access your HHI KoBoToolbox account smoothly as before). Please feel free to flag us if the issue still persists!



Hola @Kal_Lam efectivamente ya me esta dejando ingresar, muchas gracias por la colaboracion

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Hi kal,

Yes this error comes for hh also. I face this issue.

Can you confirm if this issue still persists?


Hi stephan,

Actually o found that this issue come in Google chrown only (browser is crashing, it’s google issue). On Microsoft edge browser it runs smoothly.

Thanks for checking back

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