Hello dear friends,
I am trying to find out a way to give certain serial code for each questionnaire that is filled by the staff in field.
i am thinking in two ways of solving that, and don’t know which one is working in kobo.
The first:
to generate automatic serial code which can be done by Kobo using any type of equations or restrictions;
The second: if i can previously uploading data to kobo, and then when the staff in field insert the name of the respondent, the kobo generate an equation to retrieve the code associated with the name from the previous uploaded data.
Hi @mohammedrezeq
You should be able to find the explanation self explanatory that it makes it very easy for you to customize it. Unfortunately we may not have a bandwidth to create an example that fits every users iteration, we however provide all the information needed for a user to iterate as much as possible. Reach out if you are stuck on a specific step and we will help you out.
Hi @mohammedrezeq
Out of curiosity, what are you using for data collection is it web forms or the collect application on the phone? If web forms, then you should note that pull data does not work on web forms and this could be the issue that is causing this.
Hi @stephanealoo
But in the pulldata webpage in the link you shared it is written that it works in the enketoo.
I will try in the kobo app.
Thank you again