Hi, I have a quick question that I need some clarification. So I have a project that will have more submissions coming in till the end of March, however I am getting a warning message as the screenshot here that I have reached monthly submission limit and there is -1307 balance that is in minus, but the submissions are still coming in normally as I have been checking the data, but I am just worried if they will suddenly restrict the incoming data? or can I still wait till 31st March?
@s1990, maybe this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:
The other option would also be to buy storage add-ons
, which you can do by going through ACCOUNT SETTINGS>Plans. Feel free to contact us at support@kobotoolbox.org
if you need any other support for upgrading your account.
Hi thanks for your reply, I am still not clear by that post you tagged. So in my case, what do I do? Do I just wait it out till 31st March? I mean will the submissions still be coming in ok till then, because my project ends by 1st April. So I only would need to get these submissions til the end of March and then download them for analysis.
@s1990, I am afraid that could be too late. Failing to upgrade your account even after exceeding the threshold provided by the system could block some of your KoboToolbox features. Hence we advise you to upgrade your account to a paid plan to be able to operate your KoboToolbox account smoothly.