Select_multiple in Cascade

Hello kobo community,
I really need your help in solving the task set before me. I hope we will be able to do this with united forces.

  • As for the task Q14 - is a multiple choice question where you can select “major specialty”.
    Ex: 14.1 and 14.5 (it is possible to have one or more).

At the next stage, a “sub-specialty” is opened for each “main specialty” and in 14.1 we choose 112 and 121, from 112 - 1113 and 1114, from 121 - 1211 and 1221.

A similar answer is possible for other questions (which I haven’t finished yet).

Main task: At the “head” of the group of questions Q15 - Q20 I put the names of the previously selected answers (1113, 1114, 1221 and 1221) for each one separately.
I would be very grateful if you could help me resolve this issue
For me, it doesn’t matter which form I use (for the group of questions Q15 - Q20 can us begin_group or begin_repeat), the main thing is to solve the problem.

  • In addition, here is the cascade form (although I could not use the select_multiple function in it) - where the final result should be the same as the example I gave before.

cascade_Q14_Q15-Q20.xlsx (95.1 KB)

cascade_Q14_Q15-Q20.xlsx (95.1 KB)

Welcome to the community, @shoshka! Did you mean you wanted to cascade a select multiple questions?

Hi Kal_Lam
yes, is it posibol?

@shoshka, you could do this as outlined in the post discussed previously: