Welcome to the community, @abdulrahman1! @abdulrahman1 please be informed that the issue has been fixed and you should not see the Server Error (500)
Thanks for your support @Kal_Lam
Server is down Server Error (500) , Appreciate your action in this regard
I can’t log in either @Kal_Lam
Welcome to the community, @who_iraq2, @polandresponsesci! Could you let us know the server you are using?
I am also experiencing this problem at
giving this " Server Error (500)" message
Welcome to the community, @rtm! We are on it!
Hi, I am also having the same issue with error 500 - but with a different account (I had to set up a new account to login to this forum for help). Should I provide the username of the account I am struggling to log into? I am working on a time sensitive project so any help would be very appreciated
How much time could this issue take?
Thanks, it is solved now.
FYI the account I am struggling to open is using the UN OCHA server for Humanitarian organizations.
Welcome to the community, @t_low! The server was temporarily down.
Thanks for your help
@who_iraq2, @polandresponsesci, @rtm, @t_low, @Omar, please be informed that the server has been restored! Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
thank you so much!
Hi I have been having similar issues as yesterday with Kobo server. Can I check if the server is down again
@t_low, are you still facing this issue? The server seems to behave normally at this point of time.