Hello @iraq_habitat ,
I cut the example down and I think this might be a bug/problem in Enketo edit submission.
new02.xlsx (11.2 KB)
Deployment, Preview and Collect data work well.
But if you open the submission for edit (pencil or eye/edit) you get the error you have seen (you can open the form, the other doesn’t work and you cannot save - never ending loop).
It is related to the (complex) structure
____select_one > relevant
If you remove any of the structure levels there is no error. (Of course this is not a solution!)
It’s NOT the other/relevant clause itself. If you remove the 1st one, the 2nd one will pop-up.
You can also see, that edit works well, if you chose NO Consent (filter) in the beginning.
Maybe @Kal_Lam , @stephanealoo or @Josh could provide more help, please.
I think there might be previous postings with some relation to this Enketo problem/bug, esp.
Kind regards