The server takes hours to process and export the data when we try to download the data

@Kal_Lam I am also facing the same problem for several weeks now…
The server takes hours to process and export the data when we try to download the data. It eventually fails after hours of processing. We would be grateful if you can check what the problem is and help to resolve it.
Thank you
Isaac B.

Welcome to the community, @isbonuedi! Could you also let us know the total number of submissions you have in your project?

Thanks @Kal_Lam, We have 3450 submissions and 1127 questions.

@isbonuedi, would you mind sharing with me the following information through a private message so that I could have a closer look at your case:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Note: You could share with me a private message as outlined in the post discussed previously:

@isbonuedi, ~1100 questions for a survey is quite a large survey …

We’ve allocated more memory for exports on the server today, so this may help you, but it may not be enough given the size of your survey. Please do follow up with Kalyan by sending him the identifying information for your project as he requested.

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Thank you @Kal_Lam and @jnm for your responses and support.

@Kal_Lam I have shared with you the project details privately. Thank you