Weird behaviour in cascading select


I am trying to build a cascading select type of questions for my data collection. I have attached the xlsform of my form. I want to show first Province, then District and finally municipality. When I select province Sudurpaschim, then कैलाली, I see two entries that are not in the xlsform - (see image marked with yellow). Please find the attached image. What am I missing? I prepared xlsform in Microsoft Excel 2016 from the template here.

This is my xlsform.

Please have a look at my xlsform and suggest solution.

These are the images.

Hi @sumankhanal,

Welcome to the community! Seems like you have some coding error within your xlsform. I tried at my end with the information you provided and i got it correct. For details, please see the images below:

In the survey tab of your xlsform:
Image 1

In the choices tab of your xlsform: Please note, you may not see all the choices in the image as i have hidden it to save space. But you should find all the choices in the reference xlsform shared at the end of this post.

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo:

Reference xlsform:
Cascading Select (Local Level Nepal).xlsx (16.8 KB)

For further reading, please visit our support article on cascading select here.

Have a great day!

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Thank you for your help. It works now.

Is it required to have list_name to be small letters only like said here?

Your solution has list_name Q1, Q2, Q3 which are capitalised. In my form when I made list_name to small letters, it seems to work.

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Hi @sumankhanal,

Yes, the list_name itself should be in small letters but the variables names that you list under the list_name may have capital letters like Q1 or small letters like q1.

Have a great day!

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