Is there a way to automate sending the results of each individual response to my secure email address? Is this possible within the toolbox or using a third party app that integrates with it?
Hi @anjan,
At the moment, KoBoToolbox does not have the feature of sending survey results to an email. The concept you have put seems very interesting and would be very helpful to all KoBo users. Hence request you to suggest the KoBoToolbox developers by filling up the Suggestion Box.
Hi @anjan,
I agree with @Kal_Lam , to make a suggestion that this could be a useful feature.
I tried to do the same thing a while ago and ended up using OpenFN. OpenFN let’s you set up ‘events’ (like a new KoBo submission) and then a number of actions triggered by that event. I used Mailgun to send me a summary of the submissions each time a submission was uploaded. This might be a thrid party solution worth to have a look at. Big constraint on this: the free version of openFN only supports a limited amount of runs per month.
There is a known workaround for email confirmations in Copy of submitted form to respondent, which seems overly complex and introduces new dependencies (email templating HTTP API, SMTP HTTP API) to the stack.
As Kobo is already able to send Passwort Reset email messages, it would be favourable if these means could be more easily plugged-in into a form, in so respondents and surveyors receive email notifications about events on the form.
Hi @anjan and all, just saw this post.
FYI I have recently followed the instructions in the " E-mail Notifications (Microsoft Flow)" section of the UNHCR KoBo tips/tutorial and it works well to get automatic email notifications to an email address (either to your own email address, or by following rules). This could be a good option to try? The UNHCR page is linked from the below thread, many of the examples reference UNHCR server/setup but can easily be adapted for the rest of us!
I didn’t manage to figure out a way to attach the whole submission at once (e.g. as a pdf) but you can certainly set up an email notification and individually list the field values separately in the body of the email.
Thanks, it is helpful for my agency.
Thank you User Support. I am trying to use your KoboSupport but I got stuck here
I don’t know what to type in each row. Kindly assist me.