It’s not always that you wish to see your variables mandatory(where the variable should be filled, else the filled-up form would not get submitted to the KoBoToolbox server) or optional(where the variable could be left blank and the filled-up form could still be submitted to the KoBoToolbox server). You might sometimes wish to make it mandatory for certain criteria.
It is a form of a mandatory responseif and only if it meets a certain criteria else it would act as an optional response. You could define the required criteria in the text space of the Custom logic.
For further understanding please have a look at the images shared below:
I do not understand well custom logic with that example. I still do not see the difference between optional and custom logic, do you have another example?
Thank you
Would you mind trying out the workaround (shared with the post). Try entering a dummy response from the same and you should be able to have a picture of what a mandatory response is and what a custom logic is.
Also please feel free to have a look with one of our other discussion related to custom logic (it should be helpful for you):