Is it possible to download the household roster data in the same sheet?

Hello all
I’m trying to download data from a form that has household roster but the roster is showing in another sheet. Is it possible to have the whole data in one excel sheet?
sample of the downloaded data.

Hi Matolab,

Is there a specific reason why you are looking to get the data in the same excel sheet? The advantage of having the data split into two sheets is that analyzing the data becomes simple. As one household may have multiple members having them store on the same sheet with multiple rows make it difficult to analyze the data,

I will wait for someone from Kobo team to respond to you question and I will try this on my end too.


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Hi @Matolab,

Please be informed that it’s impossible at the moment to download household roster data in a single sheet along with the household data.

However, as a workaround you could also see the discussion that has happened in the past:


Thanks I appreciate

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Thanks for response
but how can i analyse a data in two different excel sheet using stata?

Hi @Matolab,

You could analyze the same by either using the v-lookup if you are using the Excel or by merging the two data-set by using a third party software viz. spss, stata, sas, r etc.


Dear Matolab,
Just to ket yo uknow that the file you shared to the public contains sensitive data of HH( their address, names, where they live…even their phone numbers and GPS location)
I’d suggest this file is removed from here.
Good practices of data management are needed when collecting personal information… We need to be careful with how we treat the data that people gave us. Unless you got informed consent to publicly publish this.
This could result in organizations even getting steep fines SEE HERE
Have a good day.


thanks so much i will do that now

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Please how can remove the file sir? I have been trying that but to no avail

I think that the moderators already removed once the issue was detected.
Be careful with your data…Collecting sensitive data implies big responsability:-)


Alright. Thanks

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Dear @iker.montes,
Unfortunately, it’s not the first time sensible data are shared in a post. I would strongly recommend, that the monitoring team adds a chapter on this in the guidelines (@tinok). This may help for better awareness. (Maybe such posts could even be flagged and refused for support, esp. on OCHA server.)

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Hey guys, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’ve created a topic and added to the about section to remind users not to share sensitive data. Please feel free to leave any suggestions in the new topic. I will go ahead and update our guidelines as well.